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Our Virtual Recruiting Events are focused, fun, and accessible.

Virtual Recruiting Event

1. Register

Provide a little information about yourself so companies can get to know you

2. Get Noticed

We will send your information over to the participating companies about a week ahead of the fair for them to review your profile

3. Receive the Schedule

2 days before the event we will provide you with a schedule of interviews throughout the day

4. Join the event

You’ll have 10-15 minute interviews with each company you match

“I didn’t know it could be this easy to interview for high-level engineering positions at companies like Amazon, Astrobotic and Agility Robotics in one day.”

from Texas

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Content Strategy // Visible to admin only

Primary Audience:

Page Purpose:
To get users to sign up for a VRE.

Content Themes:
Connection: One of the biggest benefits that OAW offers all its audiences is the ability to connect with folks that help further your goals. These recruiting events connect prime talent with amazing employers across the country, opening doors for a wide variety of employment opportunities.
Access: OAW gives talent deep access to hiring decision makers interested placing remote positions or positions based out of unconventional tech hubs. This is a massive differentiator between OAW and other job placement organizations.
WWWWW: Explaining who would benefit the most from these events including the job sector, market, level of experience etc., what to expect from the event, where the event is held (online only,) and why OAW conceived of this particular style of recruiting event is extremely important for the talent audience to understand. 

CTA: Primary CTA for upcoming VRE needs to be focal
Benefits- First WWWWW Explanation: Users need to see a quick and easy to understand graphic or written content that gives a compelling elevator pitch for the VRE. 
Company Testimonial: it’s important for talent to understand how deeply companies value these events and how seriously they take them. A company testimonial to that effect will go a long way. The testimonial should touch on how the event helped the company meet it’s hiring goals and how great a facilitator OAW is. This is important to combat the “more of the same” perception talent is sure to have coming into this concept. 
Proof Points: Measurable placement data such as number of remote positions placed, number of successful relocations facilitated, etc. would be best. In addition, a Talent testimonial would help users understand the value of the VRE
Clear, straightforward calls to action: Not only do we need to provide a clear CTA for the most immediate upcoming VRE, we also need to clearly show what VREs are scheduled and which companies will be attending in the future. 

New Content Needed:
-WWWWW explanation
-Company testimonial – pullquote, video, abstract
-Future scheduled events with associated companies